
LinkedIn Visual Profiles and Why You Should Use Them

LinkedIn has brought a new feature to the table, and it’s more important than ever that you learn how to use it. Now you get to tell your professional story in a ...

Skype Bug Allows for Android Lock Screen Override

The latest update to Skype has enabled a bug that allows users to bypass lock screens on Android devices. Currently, that amounts to 100 million devices that could be compromised. An XDA-Developers ...

Ubisoft Account Database Breached, Emails and Passwords Exposed

Ubisoft, the father of the famous Assassin’s Creed videogame series, is advising all users to change their passwords and, in some cases, email addresses immediately. Just yesterday, the large game company announced ...

Two Handy Email Inbox Management Tools

Do you have trouble mastering your inbox? You’re not alone: the average business owner receives 110 emails a day, and that number is supposed to increase to 125 by 2015 according to ...

New Experimental Twitter Feature Embeds Tweets

Twitter, in an effort to connect news with tweets, is testing a feature that embeds 140-characters messages into longer stories that mention the tweet topic. Twitter says this is part of a larger, over-all strategy ...



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