
9 Simple Tips to Become more Business Dependable

In the business world, there is a powerful advantage to being trustworthy, consistent and tirelessly dependable. A reputation can go further than any marketing campaign.  As a business grows and evolves, time becomes more precious and can be difficult to ...

Zappos and Other Companies End the Use of Job Titles is one of the largest online retailers of shoes, and according to their new announcements, their corporate structure is about to change. The new structure change involves ending the use of ...

3 Tips to Help Your Website’s “About” Page Shine

There is so much to do when it comes to designing your website. From easy navigation to your layout, you have plenty of things to consider with regard to the coding. Did ...

What Does 2014 Have in Store for Social Media?

The New Year is a great time for small businesses to take a good hard look at what social media is doing for them and, most importantly, what it can do for ...

Three New Technologies To Expect in 2014

At the beginning of every year, small and large businesses alike hold their breath, waiting for new technology to be announced. When new technology hits the market, it affects individuals and businesses in ...

3 Tips to Keep Your Site Mobile Friendly

The ever rising use of smartphones means that more people are accessing internet from their mobile device. This is not a new group of people, but the new target audience. The business message ...

New Currency “Bitcoin” Begins to Go Mainstream, Embraces

If you haven’t heard of the new digital currency Bitcoin, now’s the time to do some research: a large business,, is considering accepting the currency coming this next year – hopefully, the ...

6 Ways to Persuade Your Customer

A logical and well trained consumer will try to consider all information before making a decision, but rapidly evolving information and hectic schedules drive all of us to shortcut decisions. These shortcuts help ...

10 Must-Do’s for Marketing with Social Media

Marketing your business with social media can be both inexpensive and effective. However, the options within the social media realm are vast, and getting started can be overwhelming. In turn making the marketing ...

5 Ways to Increase your Internet Security

The theft of your personal information, then use of it without your permission, is identity theft. Identity theft is one of the fastest growing crimes in the United States, and can have ...



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